A thousand years ago, people faced almost the same health problems as they do today. The only difference is that before that there were no high-quality drugs that could quickly and effectively treat pathologies. Today we will talk about "male power", or rather, how to improve potency, what products and drugs can do this.

What foods increase potency in men?
It seems why monitor your diet when you can just buy erectile dysfunction drugs? It's that easy and fast! In fact, some medications will not suffice. And in general, it's better to prevent a problem than to solve it later. So, with proper nutrition, you can not only improve the effect of the pills used, but also delay problems with men's health for a certain period of time.
Potency-enhancing products are not a panacea. They don't work with any miracle effects. Everything is very simple. In fact, substances found in simple foods can affect our circulatory system and hormone levels, which is so important for men. Many of the products can slightly increase testosterone levels and in combination with medication the maximum effect is achieved. So what do you need to eat to have good male health?
- Onion;
- Garlic;
- Turnip;
- watermelon;
- Carrot;
- Nuts;
- Seafood;
- Dairy products.
In general, if you think about it, then vegetables are useful for everything, but to improve potency, those that are most acute and burning are most useful, because they are the best to dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation. Already the ancient Romans used onions or another well-known aphrodisiac - garlic. Garlic, even according to some doctors, can restore hormonal balance and increase libido in men, and not only protect against the flu.
Nuts are perhaps the most common item among health-conscious men, and with good reason. But how can simple nuts improve potency in men? They contain a large amount of useful substances, including: iodine, magnesium, zinc, iron, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, etc. For a man, zinc is most important because it stimulates the production of testosterone by the gonads. Eat 100 grams of nuts a day and your chances of reversing potency problems will increase dramatically.
Dairy products, especially cheese and cottage cheese, which are high in protein and calcium, also help improve health. Also, do not forget about seafood: shrimp, crayfish, mussels, mackerel, flounder, etc. But it is better not to fry all products with a lot of oil, but to boil, bake or steam. Excessive amounts of fats and even more trans fats do not lead to good.
We found out which products improve potency. Let's move on and find out what folk recipes there are.
Folk remedies to improve potency at home
Herbs have been used by healers to treat many diseases as they can have tremendous effects on our bodies. The role of herbs is also great for restoring potency.
You can improve potency at home with several available herbs, which you can well buy at a pharmacy or even collect and brew yourself:
- Ginseng;
- Dubrovnik;
- Johannis herbs;
- Nettle;
- motherwort;
- green tea etc.
Ginseng and St. John's wort are perhaps the most popular means of improving potency. Ginseng, for example, is found in most drugs that increase testosterone levels and treat erectile dysfunction. You can brew ginseng root yourself or buy a tincture at a pharmacy to take in the morning, adding 30-40 drops to tea or water. It is also acceptable to mix it with aloe juice or green tea. Incidentally, ginseng is often used as an effective energy drink.
The following collection of nettle, St. John's wort, mint and clover will also help improve potency using folk remedies. Each herb needs to take 5 teaspoons, put in a thermos and pour boiling water. The infusion must be infused for a higher nutrient concentration. After that, it is necessary to drink a glass every day, preferably in the morning, since the infusion tones and gives a lot of energy.
You can brew and drink all of the above herbs like tea, but no more than one glass a day, as herbs can also have a very powerful effect on the body. However, it should be understood that ordinary infusions will not cure serious problems, for this it is necessary to resort to more radical means. Therefore, next we will talk about sports nutrition drugs that increase libido, increase testosterone levels (naturally) and improve blood circulation.
The market of sports nutrition to increase potency
Why do we mention pills that improve potency? Everything is really easy. Tablets, namely "test boosters" from sports nutrition are not just herbal teas, they are a holistic approach to restoring normal potency, which includes concentrated active ingredients, the same herbs and vitamins. All this in combination gives the best effect, especially when testosterone-Booster is combined with the proper nutrition described above.
Probably, in order not to idle talk, it is worth advising you on the most popular test boosters, talking about their composition and action, and also providing feedback on them.
Let's start perhaps with a product from a brilliant company that has never failed before. It should be said right away that testosterone is not a steroid, it is a drug that increases your own testosterone, it does not contain hormones, so it has no side effects. Each capsule of the drug contains 2760 mg of active ingredients that have been very carefully selected; Each milligram is calculated, and each substance perfectly complements and interacts with each other.
The problem with many drugs is that they offer too low a dose. On the sports nutrition market, and indeed among drugs to increase potency, you will not find a more concentrated product with a precisely selected dosage (one serving - 4 capsules).
Among the active ingredients: Prolensis (Bulbine Natalensis) - a male potency-enhancing herb, Vitamin D, Tribulus Terrestris - a natural testosterone booster, Maca - a valuable source of protein, vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates with valuable amino acid profile, etc.
For example, here are a few reviews of this product, taken from foreign sources:
- "It's just a bomb! Before I finished my dose, things got a lot better (I'm talking about my libido, of course). Every day I feel an explosive energy that makes me want to run and not walk. I take the dose indicated on the jar, I think if there are no side effects then I will take more!
- "I didn't think the test booster would work until I tried it. At first I felt sorry for my money, but now I understand that I didn't spend it in vain! However, the usual dose was not enough for me, and I increased it by one capsule, and only after that I felt all its power! I've definitely gotten stronger and more resilient and my wife doesn't complain anymore) Honestly, I didn't even go to the doctor's with my problem and now I don't need to see him anymore.
Another popular product for increasing libido, already another, but no less popular company. The composition of this product is in many ways similar to the previous one, but here the dose is slightly exceeded. In the first place, the manufacturer does not put Prolensis grass, but DAA and Tribulus Terrestris, which have no less effective properties. Dosage - 6 capsules three times a day.
Here are some reviews:
- "I have been using the test booster for two weeks now and I can say with certainty that there is an effect! I have so much energy I can't sit still and I've never had such a desire or even opportunity to have sex. ) The only thing that annoys me is the dosage. I personally find it difficult to drink 6 capsules at once. "
- "In the beginning I didn't like the drug, I didn't feel any effect and stopped drinking it. But the problem itself was not solved, so I decided to try again. I increased the dose by 7 capsules and waited more than a month for the effect and finally it came. I had a lot of problems with women, my testosterone was low from constant stress and poor diet, but everything is normal now, and the tests confirm it!
As you can see, complex preparations will help you much more effectively than homemade recipes and infusions. Of course, supplementing the pills with proper diet and homemade recipes can bring amazing effects, so don't be afraid and try to combine different methods.